Membership Information
You are joining an organization whose purpose is to promote the earth sciences, paleontology, and the lapidary arts within our membership and the community. As a member, you are able to participate in our many activities:
We meet monthly, on the second Thursday, at 7:00 pm at the Mousley Museum on the corner of Bryant and Panorama in Yucaipa. Our monthly meetings include an educational program, a business meeting, along with opportunity to win prizes, bid on minerals in our silent auction, and enjoy a light snack and friendly conversation.
You may also participate in our earth science field trips to local sites of interest and collecting areas and occasionally to locations requiring overnight stays.We hold field trips monthly, weather permitting.
Our lapidary shop is open to you on weekends and some weekdays where you can take part in many activities. You can cut, grind, and polish stones, as well as participate in silversmithing and casting to make fine finished jewelry. To help new members learn the skills required for these projects, we also offer classes on an ad hoc basis.
Membership Application (download)
Please complete, sign and return the application, along with your dues. Upon receiving your application and dues, you will receive a new member orientation packet, a membership badge, and a roster of club members.
Annual Dues
Dues shall constitute membership from January 1 to December 31 of each year. Dues prorated for the second half of the year.
Individual: $40 (includes one badge)
Family: $50 (includes two badges; additional badges may be purchased for $5 each)
As a club member you are asked and expected to participate in our annual show (by helping at the show and by donating to our fundraisers) and committees. We also encourage members to seek various positions in the organization and voice your ideas to help make us a better organization. Submission of your application further constitutes your willingness to abide by all the rules, regulations and by-laws now in effect or afterwards put into effect.
We welcome you to the Yucaipa Valley Gem & Mineral Society. Every member is here to help you if you have questions.

President: Dan Johnston
Vice President: Kristin Fox-Barlick
Secretary: Rainy Baldwin
Treasurer: Deanna Cobb

Federation: Marla Reagle
3 Year: Kenny Wissler
2 Year: Anne Harper
1 Year: Deanna Cobb
1 Year: Tom Hyatt

Bulletin: Brian Felix
Classes: Marla Reagle
Constitution: Pat Mazzulli
Facebook: Mike Reason
Field Trips: Dan Johnston
Hospitality: Anne Harper
Librarian: Grace Johnston
Membership: Anne Harper
Silent Auction: Eddie Quintanar
Ways and Means: Laura and Jim Bowden
Workshop: Hank Cobb
Committee Chairs

Hank Cobb (Chair)
Jim Bowden
Dan Johnston
Tim Jones
Liz Smith
Maryanne Stauber
Tom Hyatt
Bracken Smith
Kenny Wisler
Eddie Quintanar
Robert Lopez
Naomi DiToro
Pat Smolenski
Anne Harper